Family Therapy
Family therapy at Glencairn integrates information
and research from psychology, human development and family studies, and family therapy research to
provide a practical approach using structural family therapy, emotional coaching, education, and mindfulness awareness skill building. Understanding
child and adolescent development can help parents decipher their children's behavior and provides a guide for interacting with them. Setting expectations for our children within their developmental potentials as they age through infancy, toddler-hood, preschool, and elementary, middle and high school years helps the child develop into a healthy adult. We all want our children to be able to be launched into adulthood with the skills they need to flourish.
A balanced parenting style provides nurturing to help your son or daughter feel emotionally close and connected to family members while setting limits that keep them safe during their journey toward autonomy. Balanced parenting is an important
factor in good life outcomes. Another very important factor for developing minds is learning how to be an emotional guide for your child. Good parent guides know their own emotions and can recognize emotion in others. We must get to know all of our emotions, both negative and positive ones, intimately in order to have happy relationships. By getting to know our children's innate style of emotional energy we can guide them toward having a high emotional IQ. Learning this early can help us develop patience as we take time to interact with others in a fully present way.
Family therapists can also facilitate conversations between young people and their parents that develop closer relations while addressing the problems that young people face.