
Attune means harmony. This blog is about harmonizing ourselves in our connection to others and to our planet. I bow to basic goodness in our world and in relationships encourage opening our hearts with love and compassion.


10 Ground Rules for a Skillful Therapeutic Marital Separation

We agree to abide by the following basic ground rules during our skillful separation:

1.   We will separate until ____________________(date) then revisit how the separation is going in therapy to decide if we need more time apart.

2.   We will attend therapy together and leave our problems in the therapy room (for now).

3.   We will live in separate places (not in the same house).

4.   No lawyers will be consulted or hired.

5.   We will keep the money as it is.

6.   We will have at least one date a week and agree to try and have a little fun and see if we can still enjoy each other’s company.

7.   We will not discuss our relationship problems outside of therapy and neither will to pressure the other do anything.

8.   We agree to respect each other’s space and privacy and will not keep communication to a minimum.

9.   Neither party will date or be with anyone else nor tell people of the opposite sex about our problems.

10.       Each of us will work on our own problems and not blame the other.  We agree to seek individual therapy if recommended.

Our signatures mean we will honor our agreement.


_________________________   ____________________________

Signature and date                         Signature and date

Posted 541 weeks ago

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